
Overview » Books » A Week with Camel-O-Shy # 101

A Week with Camel-O-Shy # 101

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#101 A week with Camel-O-Shy
#101 A week with Camel-O-Shy
#101 A week with Camel-O-Shy
#101 A week with Camel-O-Shy

Invited for a party in a weeks’ time, the main character, "Camel-O-Shy“, reserved by nature, appears intimidated. The reader helps him to overcome his inhibitions by proposing a variety of solutions.
The book concludes with the moral that it’s always best to act naturally and be who you are!
A space is provided to give "Camel-O-Shy“ a new name that relates to his new confident personality.
Can you think of a good name?

Ebenwald Verlag, Wattens, Austria

Item price incl. VAT
EUR 15,90
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